Resident Questions for Housing Area Panel


Reference: C2.5

Question Title

Overgrown paving in Essex Place grounds

Date question raised


Week of Area Panel


Area in city


Star rating applied by residents

2 stars – Local Issue

Deadline for officer response

9am on 19th January

Name of officer responding

Chloe McLaughlin

Officer job title

Estates Service Manager

Resident Question


Long grass is causing a hazard on pavements in Essex Place grounds. There is no maintenance being done, and the pavements are now dangerous, with people tripping over and slipping.


None supplied.

Action requested:

Maintenance work needs to be done urgently as this is a health and safety issue.

Officer Response

Officer contact details:

Officer Response:

The Estates Service has been out and inspected this area. They have arranged weeding of all paths. Housing will also be undertaking a review of the ground maintenance contract with CityParks. A report will come back to Area Panel.


To bring a report back to Area Panel

Start date:

May 2023

End date:

May 2023